Friday, December 27, 2019
Example of Journal Article Review
Example of journal article review is devoted to evaluate the main strengths and weaknesses of a specific article. It provides potential readers with description and analysis, creates a specific interpretation, giving the insight into the focus of the article. Example of journal article review can also be the assistance for the students, it would help to understand the main points of the evaluating and summarizing processes. Review of the article Has Donald Trump Found the Formula for Attacking Hillary Clinton? The Wall Street Journal is a worldwide known business-focused newspaper. Being the largest newspaper by circulation in the US, it definitely proved to be a trusted quality source, with quality texts and authors which are professionals in fields they are discussing. The article Has Donald Trump Found the Formula for Attacking Hillary Clinton? written by Linda Killian is not an exclusion in the above-mentioned tendency. The author revealed to the readers another stage of the strife of two main candidates of approaching elections. Linda Killian gives a general knowledge of the issue from different perspectives and as this theme may be considered to be over-discussed, it is another advantage of the article that she provides clear information in a brief way with a versatile characteristics of the theme. The text is well organized, and one may easily notice the aim of each paragraph separately. In the first, fourth and fifth paragraphs Linda Killian gives the explanation of the issue, retells, quotes and describes Donald Trump`s appeal to Hillary Clinton. The first paragraph grasps readers with sharp information, it is stated that Trump called Hillary Clinton â€Å"a world-class liar†and this phrase has to catch readers` attention. Second and third paragraphs provide general knowledge about Donald Trump, how voters treat him, and why; what inspires voters and what are their doubts about him. The sixth and seventh paragraphs again provide general knowledge in brief, but this time about Hillary Clinton, public opinion about her; how voters may switch their positions; tricky information about who is winning in which state, what the percentages are. Next two paragraphs retell what both Trump and Clinton stated, some more facts about their altercation. In the last paragraph, Li nda Killian summarizes the situation with verbal pinches and predicts how the elections and Trump-Clinton rivalry may continue. The phrase in the end â€Å"this could be a closer race than many expect†and the flow of text in general shows the unprejudiced authors position. Linda Killian described both candidates and their voters` positions from different perspectives, she provided brief and interesting information about the case and one may not say that there was too much or not enough information about the issue which is Trump-Clinton rivalry, the same is with the osculant to the issue elements. Author provided enough small facts, which might be also interesting for potential readers, like the percentages of voters` support in separate three states – it is a rather interesting fact than the information that must be present in this article, but with this fact the text is much more entertaining to read. The article starts with the description of the authors proficiency, her last job experience, most recent book and Twitter page. It is a great method as readers are assured before reading the article. If some doubts arise or some reader like the article much, he/she may look through other authors works. Generally, The Wall Street Journal presented a good article from many perspectives – it provides chief information, an author is not writing just from one perspective, there are interesting facts which are well told, and all this is presented in brief. The weak points are hard to identify, there might be some additional information about Hillary Clinton and her voters, but this does not change the positive appearance of the article, it is a good instance indeed. References Killian, L. (2016, June 23). Has Donald Trump Found the Formula for Attacking Hillary Clinton? Retrieved June 31, 2016, from
Thursday, December 19, 2019
How Has Politics Impacted Political Parties - 714 Words
How has federalism impacted political parties? The basis of federalism is the idea that the state and federal government should share power. The federalists were supporters of a strong national government, led by Alexander Hamilton. The Democratic-Republicans led by Thomas Jefferson, opposed the federal government, their beliefs were that majority of power should be held by local governments (The States). Political parties over time have influenced national politics which eventually could influence any local government or state governments. This has not only provided a way for the state governments to â€Å"check†National power but is also showing how delicate the balance between the federal and state government is. The significance of political parties began essentially when the federalists vs. anti-federalists debate began, this is where the initial spilt occurred and over time their beliefs have altered a tiny bit and ultimately led to the political parties we have today. What are some of the issues we face today with federalism and how can effectively meet these challenges to improve the future of federalism? Federalism today is a multi-dimensional process that has many different aspects for example economic, administrative and political aspects as well as constitutional ones. This is more relevant today than it has ever been before. Some of the issues we Americans face today include: Unfunded mandates. The federal government only posses a certain amount of money soShow MoreRelatedThe 2016 Presidential Election, Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump1546 Words  | 7 PagesIn United States politics, voters are frequently placed into smaller groups or cohorts based on their social, economic, and even political views. The general public, pollsters, and even candidates will assume that these groups or cohorts will vote similarly, regardless of the type or magnitude of election. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Time Management in Hospitality Industry †
Question: Discuss about the Time Management in Hospitality Industry. Answer: Job roles which are suitable for tourism, events and hospitality graduate The three job roles, which are suitable for tourism, events and hospitality graduate, are of tourism guide, event planner and general manager. A tourist guide is the one who give assistance, information on organized tours or to individual clients on religious or historical sites, museums, educational establishment or venues of special interests. An event planner is someone who arranges all aspect of professional meetings or events. Moreover, they usually choose the location for the meetings, arrange the transportations as well as coordinate other details. Lastly, the general manager of this hospitality industry is an executive who has the comprehensive responsibility for controlling the revenue as well as the cost elements of the organizations income statement, which is called the profit and loss responsibility. Compare and contrast the capabilities and competencies of the selected job roles Job roles Tourism guide Event planner General Manager Capabilities Tour guides or in some countries, it is also known as, tourist guides are mainly those individuals who guide the tourists or the visitors in a language of their choice around the museum, town or any important venue. The capabilities of these persons are that they are qualified as well as good interpreters. They act as a representative of the city and interpret their culture and heritage to the visitors. Guides generally possess overall information related to the historical, educational or any important cultural venue. They can actually answer the tourists questions regarding that their visited place and can gain knowledge (Sigala, Christou and Gretzel 2012). The event planner is capable of doing many things and providing the guests with a positive experience. A person who has graduated with a Bachelors degree inhospitality management is very much capable of working as an event planner either alone or in any organization. An event planner can coordinate and successfully execute professional as well as personal events for which they are mainly capable of the following roles- Consultation- This is the very crucial role when the planner meets the client and tries to get a clear picture of their needs and after knowing this the planner discusses about the preferred dates and locations, explain his/her roles. Selecting venue- As a part of the planners job is selecting the right venue keeping in mind the needs of the customer. Transportation- the guests who are coming from other places to visit the event, it is the job of the event planner to arrange transportation for them. Coordinate details- Another basic role of the planner is that they not only coordinate details but also staff the day of the events. In wedding events event planner actually, make the functions happen smoothly by coordinating the schedules of catering, the floral and wait staff as well as monitoring on missing items or other issues (Yeoman et al. 2012). A general manager in the hospitality industry is capable of supervising the operations functions of the hotel, he holds regular briefings as well as meetings with all the head of departments. Moreover, he handle complaints, decision making, monitors the business reports, monthly finances, draws the plans and budgets for the owner as well as manages and enhances the hotel executive teams (Boella and Goss-Turner 2013). Competencies The competencies that a tourist guides needs are of communication, good memory and storytelling capability, humor, passion, punctuality, flexibility and sensitivity (Dhiman 2012). The competencies that an event planner needs to posses are that they need to be highly organized, personable, good communication, creative and most importantly multitasker (Suh, West and Shin 2012). General Managers mainly possess various skills among which the major ones are of interpersonal and communication, multi-tasking or financial. Along with these, other skills are of problem solving, decision-making, planning, delegation and meeting management. Relevance of the capability with the industry The most important capability is to have communication skill, which is regarded as the most used skill in hospitality industry. Communication is important because in this industry communication with customers as well as coworkers is very important. Starting from the managers to the other staff members need to have good communication skill so that they can verbally as well as can have appropriate written communication. Other staff members like the frontline employees, suppliers everyone needs to communicate well even among themselves so that they can have an effective work environment. It is that important means by which any organization survive because through communication information, feeling and ideas are imparted to other persons. Therefore, communication failure can occur if this message or information is not reached to the receiver. Effective communication with customers can actually win business strategy because it will retain the loyal customers. Therefore, the capability of effective communication can be regarded important factor for the organizations success (Sisson and Adams 2013). However, the tactics that a student might apply during their industry placement to improve their communication is by networking everything that means the students might linked themselves with social media to keep the professional touch along with being in contact with friends, family members, classmates, alumni as well as neighbors who are associated in this industry. Along with this student can show their professionalism through verbal as well as communication skills through body postures, expressions and so on. Reference Boella, M. and Goss-Turner, S., 2013.Human resource management in the hospitality industry: A guide to best practice. Routledge. Dhiman, M.C., 2012. Employers' perceptions abouttourism management employability skills.Anatolia,23(3), pp.359-372. Sigala, M., Christou, E. and Gretzel, U. eds., 2012.Social media in travel, tourism and hospitality: Theory, practice and cases. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.. Sisson, L.G. and Adams, A.R., 2013. Essential hospitality management competencies: The importance of soft skills.Journal of Hospitality Tourism Education,25(3), pp.131-145. Suh, E., West, J.J. and Shin, J., 2012. Important competency requirements for managers in the hospitality industry.Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport Tourism Education,11(2), pp.101-112. Yeoman, I., Robertson, M., Ali-Knight, J., Drummond, S. and McMahon-Beattie, U. eds., 2012.Festival and events management. Routledge.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Perhaps One Of The Most Complex Pieces To The Human Puzzle Is Our Sens
Perhaps one of the most complex pieces to the human puzzle is our sense of humor. A sense of humor not only involves intelligence and comprehension but also an array of emotions. It is not enough to just understand something humorous, but it is also necessary that an emotional and physiological response be able to occur for a person to have a sense of humor. However, though there is much involved in getting a joke, there are even more factors involved in telling a joke(Ziv 27). This is, unfortunately, an oversimplified explanation of what a sense of humor entails, as many people have their own opinion about what a sense of humor is. It is possible that we may be able to measure the level of humor a joke has. It would seem that the greater the positive reaction a joke can evoke and the larger the amount of people it effects, the funnier a joke is. Conceivably then, it can be said that though it may not be all too difficult to create a joke, creating a really good joke requires much mo re capability. Now that there is some establishment of what a sense of humor is, the next question is, can a sense of humor be taught? To a human, perhaps it can be, but whether a good sense of humor can be taught to a computer is doubtful. Where our technology lies today there is little chance of computers replicating true human emotion(Beale 45). As our world simultaneously shrinks and expands through the growing abilities and applications of computers in our everyday lives, it seems that the role of the computer has been reversed. Before we knew that the computer only understood what we programmed it to understand; however, now the majority of our society is learning more from computers than they are able to input into it. As stated, it only seems that the roles are being reversed, because somewhere far down at the beginning of the line someone is programming the computer. However, a transition is occurring among computer programmers, as they attempt to create machines that learn rather than machines that must be programmed. It has become the hope of many engineers that the mechanisms of human thought could be precisely modeled and simulated on a computer. This is known as Artificial Intelligence(Artificial 3). Artificial Intelligence, or AI, since its conception, has grown from a dozen researchers, to thousands of engineers and specialists; from programs capable of playing checkers, to systems designed to diagnose disease(Dumm 4). With all that the computer is learning now a new question arises: How long before a computer can learn to understand and execute the attributes of a good sense of humor? It is believed that the theory of AI has existed long before recorded, but was not made conceivable until the invention of the electronic computer in 1941(Dreyfus 6). Since then many scientists and engineers have been working on a way to make the computer more human. Once it was noticed that the computer could perform simple tasks such as mathematical problems an d memory recall much faster than humans the idea began that they should become more like us(Beale 2). However after almost sixty years scientists have still not been able to create AI in the sense that they had hoped. Even the Intelligence that they have given computers, which at the time was considered a triumph in reaching towards AI, is no longer considered valid(Kurzweil 14-16). This includes such simple machines as intelligent chess boards and other programs for elementary games. In the mid 1960s, however, Marvin Minsky created and interactive computer program that many believed to be Artificial Intelligence. Though Minsky was even doubtful of his achievement another scientist, Joseph Weizenbaum, quickly stepped forward with an even stronger representation of AI. This new program was called Eliza and was able to imitate a nondirective therapist. This form of AI was extremely believable to those who tested it, but Weizenbaum promptly explained the simplicity of his program. He t hen pointed out the directions and commands the program used to fake comprehension(Dreyfuss 69-72). Weizenbaum proved through his contest that both his and Minskys programs were Bibliography Bibliography Bibliography Artificial Intelligence. Online. Internet.
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