Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Greek Law Essays - Legal Ethics, Greeks, Crime, Sumer, Civilization
Greek Law Greek law evolved as a necessary means by which to regulate society's behavior. What had up until then been left up to the whims of each individual to handle on his or her own was now a product of fair and sensible legal procedure. It can be argued that there was a great need for such a show of order in that there existed little or no conformity when it came to retribution. As Greek law continued to be established, it also became a fundamental part of other areas of life, branching out into political and social implications. In essence, the implementation of Greek law was instrumental in determining that the legal process only takes on its full meaning in a broadly political context (Foxhall). I. SUMERIAN INTRODUCTION TO THE CONCEPT OF LAW Prior to the Sumerians introduction of the concept of law, the Greeks followed no organizational legal system whatsoever. The ancient Greek population was much more abundant than the Sumerian population. They had large plots of land essentially keeping people separated from one another, there was no real need for the establishment of laws. As the population grew, so did the need for legal regulation. The Sumerians were frightfully aware of the fact that the primary manner by which people were handling their legal disputes was by method of killing. They determined that this was no longer an acceptable behavior for what was to be considered a civilized society of people. Inevitably, the Sumerian ended up with four legal principles: 1. Lex Talions 2. Mediation 3. Legal Inequality 4. Conjunction of Murder and Accidental Death What was established as the first recognized law came from the fact that revenge played a big role in society's unruliness. As it stood, a person who killed as a means by which to solve a legal dispute was immediately exiled. Secondly, the Sumerians saw the merit of asking advice from those wiser than the average man, and so it was implemented that an arbitrator would be sought out in times of disagreement. However, this person was not an agency of the state. This method of intervention proved to be quite beneficial for the Greeks. The Greeks were not bound by any law to follow the wise man's advice but did so out of logic, common sense, and at times-- respect. For the Greeks, law was what separated men from animals (and from women) and was the basis of civilization (Burt). II. EGYPTIAN RESPONSE Egypt, like all the other ancient civilizations, created law in the image of its own beliefs and needs (Hibbitts). The Egyptians did not readily accept the Greek connotation of what they felt a legal system symbolized. They were more interested in remaining within their own society's framework and utilizing whatever form of law they considered appropriate for them. The Egyptians had a concrete legal system with five major areas: 1. Authoritarian 2. Collective 3. Contract Law 4. Legal Equality 5. Criminal Law They were not very innovative when it came to establishing anything close to the Greek way of law. There was a definite difference between what the Greeks deemed necessary within the confines of legal obligation and what the Egyptians viewed to be the same. III. HEBRAIC MORAL OBLIGATION The Hebraics believed they had a moral obligation to at least recognize the concept of law. They were not as disciplined as the Greeks when it came to implementing a legal system. They were still in tuned to the necessity of civilized law. It can be argued that moral obligation is a considerable force to be reckoned with in light of the pressure it places upon one's conscience. It is for this very reason that the Hebraics pursued the aspect of legalities in the first place. It is not easy to assess as to whether there exists a role for law in moral matters (McTeer). While one might interpret their desire to live as a morally righteous people as being self-sacrificing, the Hebraics were also very aware of how integrating some little bit of legal responsibility being morally rightous. The Hebraics realized without a doubt, reasoning (Keenan) can be a significantly powerful motivator, working its silent magic to effect change and establish action. One can also argue that it is not difficult to understand the connection
Sunday, November 24, 2019
How to Flavor Rock Candy
How to Flavor Rock Candy Ive been trying out kits for educational toys, like slime and the chemical volcano, but one kit I just cant bring myself to buy-and-try is the rock candy kit. Why? Its around $12 and doesnt even come with the sugar... just a stick, container, and flavored food coloring. I can come up with my own jar and popsicle stick to make my own rock candy and I suspect you can too. If you want flavoring, there are couple of ways to go. You can add a few drops of flavoring to your saturated sugar solution. These are extracts or flavorings that you would buy in the spice section of a grocery store. You use these by adding food coloring and a couple of drops of flavoring to your crystal solution. Cherry, lemon, lime, orange, mint, and cinnamon all work well. Another option is to dissolve Kool-aidâ„ ¢ or other drink mix in the crystal growing solution to (intensely) flavor your rock candy.If you have experience with the rock candy kit and think its worth the money, let me know and Ill try it out, but I suspect you can save your pennies and get equally good or better results on your own. Troubleshoot Problems Growing Rock Candy
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Compare and contrast The Story of an hour and the House on Mango Essay
Compare and contrast The Story of an hour and the House on Mango Street - Essay Example Mallard is the victim of her torturing husband, whereas in the other story the lead character is the victim of poverty and the so-called hypocritical values of the society and class discrimination. Both the lead characters, which seem to be weak initially emerge as strong characters towards the end of the stories. We can say that these stories have a strong theme and they speak about the "Quest for Identity" of the female lead characters. In "The Story of an Hour", the narrator of the story is probably the writer herself. Being a woman and a true feminist she has handled this story in a very tender manner. The female protagonist, Mrs. Mallard comes from an upper class family. This is quite apparent from the way her house is described by the writer. The words like comfortable roomy armchair, an open square in front of the house, staircase, tall trees, twittering of birds and blue skies indicate that she lived a very comfortable life. But despite of all these comforts, she seems to be extremely unhappy with her life. In "The House on Mango Street", the name of the narrator is Esperanza. In the first chapter of the story the names of the narrator and her parents are not revealed. We come to know of their names after reading the entire novel. Contrary to the "The Story of an hour ", the female protagonist in this story comes from a poor class family, which is also apparent from the way the writer has described her house. She describes her house in the following words - "It's small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small you'd think they were holding their breath. Bricks are crumbling in places, and the front door is so swollen you have to push hard to get in. There is no front yard, only four little elms the city planted by the curb. Out back is a small garage for the car we don't own yet and a small yard that looks smaller between the two buildings on either side. There are stairs in our house, but they're ordinary hallway stairs, and the house has only one washroom. Everybody has to share a bedroom-Mama and Papa, Carlos and Kiki, me and Nenny." From these lines we can very well understand what the state of the house as well as the state of mind of the girl is. Thus "The House on Mango Street" is a depiction of the thoughts of a small girl who is growing up to the stage of adolescence and has started realizing slowly the prejudices in the society. In "The Story of an Hour" the mood is gloomy and full of suspense and tragedy. When the sister of Mrs. Mallard, Josephine and her husband's friend Richard break the news of her husband's death to her, she is shocked initially and weeps in her sister's arms. But when she retires to her room and relaxes in her cozy armchair, she starts thinking about her past life. She lived in a society which had specific and strict rules of conduct, and she being from an elite class had to abide by the rules or the dogmas laid down by the society. She was dominated by her husband and did not have the liberty to take her own decisions. It is only when she sits alone, relaxed in the armchair that she becomes aware of her surroundings and their beauty. It shows that she was so engrossed in her married life and had so many preoccupations that she was oblivious to the true world. She was only used to living in the hypocritical world where money and social status had great significance. It is while she is enjoying her rediscovered identity and freedom and feeling happy, that she sees her husband
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Structural Inequality in the American K-12 System Essay
Structural Inequality in the American K-12 System - Essay Example This essay stresses that one of the best features of American public schools is that they embrace religiosity. Muslim children may find themselves accepted by their teachers and classmates, unlike in other countries where there is a prejudice among Muslims. The only prejudice that these children may face is the political prejudice because of the homeland security incidents that have happened in the last decade. This paper makes a conclusion that researchers have found that the grades of students improved when their school facilities are improved. This also improves the absenteeism rate among students. Allergies and blood pressure of students improved when their school facilities were improved. But not all schools are able to make ground improvements and this has been the subject of some litigation cases regarding public funding of schools. If we put all factors together using a systems approach, the task of making changes in the current k-12 system seems enormous. Educators, parents and students are aware of these problems and are looking for possible solutions. Cultural diversity in classrooms will not decrease in the next few years because of the globalization. Like the concept of k-12, changes should be made to unify education concepts across the board. The training and education of teachers themselves should also be changed in order to make room for cultural diversity handling. This inc ludes issues of student segregation and discrimination.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Entitlements Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Entitlements - Research Paper Example 95). Reaching a total of $2.16 trillion, table below summarizes the most recently projected U.S. non-discretionary spending on mandatory programs and the amount of annual expenditure of each program FY 2011. Others: Food Stamps, Unemployment Compensation, Child Nutrition, Tax Credits, Income Support Program, Crop Insurance or agricultural subsidies, Supplemental Security for the Disabled, and Student Loans. The most significant discretionary spending of the U.S. government is allocated for defense budget. Estimated by Donald M. Snow – a professor at the University of Alabama, approximately 58 percent of the total discretionary funding or 15 percent of the annual federal budget is spent on defense (Kennedy, 2010). Unlike the mandatory or non-discretionary expenditures, discretionary budget that is being allocated for Congress is controllable. It means that the Congress can decide whether or not to spend a portion of discretionary budget on certain projects. It is unfortunate to learn that two-thirds or almost 67% of the total federal budget has to be allocated for non-discretionary or mandatory expenditure (Kennedy, 2010). According to Kennedy (2010), the Veteran’s Health Administration is already serving the pension and health care needs of more than 8 million veterans. Given the amount of non-discretionary expenditure (2/3 of federal fund) with the amount of discretionary expenditure (1/3 of federal fund), it is clear that the U.S. government should strictly avoid getting involve in the war between Iraq and Afghanistan to control the increasing number of Veterans that is entitled to receive not only pension but also health care support. By doing so, the large number of veterans that is currently being financially supported by the U.S. government through entitlements can be controlled. Likewise, the U.S. government can also be free from having to spend a significant portion of the federal fund on defense budget. On top of the $5.5 billion
Friday, November 15, 2019
Advantages and Disadvantages of Government Intervention
Advantages and Disadvantages of Government Intervention Government intervention is one of the hottest topics to the economists. Some of economists say government intervention can recover market failure and prevent worse situation from neglect. On the other hand, there are some arguments that government intervention can reduce the efficiency of market. Both of ideas can make sense. Government intervention can improves the operation of market but it is not always applicable. Now, we will focus both positive side and negative side of government intervention. There are so lots examples about this topic and we will discuss about it. First of all, the government needs to intervene to the market for fair distribution of wealth. If the society is unstable because of distribution of wealth, it affects negative effects like strike, unemployment and even crimes. It does not give good market environment to everyone. However, government can manage this situation by intervention such as policies. We can focus on two items for this topic, â€Å"Education†and â€Å"Healthcare†. Education has big relationship with job opportunity and income. Let’s look at the below table which is reported by the Infoplease (2013). Median Annual Income, by Level of Education, 2000–2010 (U.S) â€Å"quotation†(Infoplease, 2013) NOTE: Year-round, full-time workers 25 years and older. (â€â€) = not available. (U.S Dollar) This table shows us the average of annual income is quite different between the people who received low level of education and high level of education. U.S is a typical country of using free economic system. If some universities hope to raise their tuition fee to get higher income and to reinvest their universities, they can do it. However, the economical weak cannot apply the universities because of the high cost. If there is no any policy to solve the problem, the problem would be worse. The people who have enough money can send their children to the expensive elite private universities, but poor people even cannot give chance to apply the universities because of the cost. Since 1965, U.S government expands student loan policy for the student. They suggest loan with less interest or give scholarship to the students who is applicable their requirements. Even the policy still has some criticisms like low refund rate; lots of U.S students have used this policy to help graduating their universities. We can focus on South Korean Medicare policy as an example of government intervention for fair healthcare from their National Health Insurance System. According to NHIS (2013), Korean Medicare insurance law was established in 1963 to give health benefits to national people. There are two types of medical insurance in Korea. One is employee health insurance and the other is community insurance. Employee health insurance (workplace insurance) can apply to the family of employee. It means if one man is hired in a company, then the rest of his family is applicable for the medical insurance benefits. In addition, the amount of insurance fee is divided by half for the employee and the company. So it does not have big financial burden to household. For the people who does not have job, they can receive medical insurance benefits from community insurance. The autonomous communities search the people who do not register occupation and register them to community medical insurance automatically . The entire insurance fee is set by the amount of property and income, so upscale pays more and downscale pays less. With medical insurance, patients bear only 30% of hospital expenses. Hospitals register the medical records and receive the rest of 70% from government. Korean government charge medical insurance tax to cover the receiving money to hospitals and medical institutions. So all of Korean people get medical benefits from most of basic illness and we can use this example as a government intervention for equitable distribution of healthcare. From the two examples of Korea and U.S, we can know how government intervenes for equitable distribution of income and wealth. It will gives good effects to the market such as good market environments. General Motors is the biggest automobile maker in the USA which is located in Detroit, Michigan. General Motors was called â€Å"Big three†with Ford motors and Chrysler in automotive industry. Moreover, it was also the company which symbolizes U.S capitalism. However it went bankrupt because of automobile recession in 2008. In 2008, U.S economy has stalled due to financial crisis that occurred because of the subprime loan problem and Lehman Brothers. So G.M’s financial health has been tense. The financial results for the year ended December 31, 2008; it reported a net loss of 30.8 billion and 60 million dollars (U.S). G.M received emergency loans of $ 13.4 billion from the U.S. government in the end of 2008. However the funding did not turn around and received additional support many times. In 2009, Saab, Swedish Car Company which was affiliated by G.M also went bankrupt. Debt reduction negotiations with creditors were not settled until the due date May 2009. In June 1, G.M applied article 11 of federal bankruptcy law and went bankrupt. Total debt was $ 172.8 billion and asset size was $ 82.2 billion. However, November 18, 2010, G.M was re-listed on the New York Stock Exchange. G.M has returned to the stock market after about a year and a half from bankruptcy. Collapse of GM’s scale was the largest ever in the manufacturing sector. U.S. and Canada both governments have carried out additional support a total of $ 39.6 billion. U.S government acquired the shares of 60%, government of Canada acquired the shares of 12%.And G.M was nationalized by U.S government. In 2013, December 9, the U.S government sold all shares acquired as collateral for government funding in order to bail out G.M, because the reconstruction was on track. Loss of about $ 10.5 billion was generated by selling of stock the U.S. government bought to help G.M. From this example, we can see the intervention which U.S government made was effective and improved failed market. If U.S government did not intervene to automotive industry and let G.M bankrupted, all the small business which is related with G.M should bankrupted together with G.M and 2.63 million people lost their jobs. Even though we cannot get the final result of U.S government’s intervention to G.M yet, we can think it was proper intervention currently because we can imagine the situation G.M and Lehman Brothers together. However, the government intervention has not only good effects but also negative effects against a market. We can use Japanese government intervention as an example. After World war à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¡, all Japanese people worked very hard, and Japanà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬achieved a rapid economic growth. However, after the economic growth calledà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"Japanese miracle,†Japanese economic fell into a great depression called â€Å"Lost decade†during 1991-2001. Usually, â€Å"Lost decade†represents the period in which Japan’s consumption, employment rate and the rate of economic growth were very low. The Japanese government influenced much to the great depression for following reasons. The first reason is a lot of bad loan owed by banks. According to Yukio Nakazawa, the Japanese government used to use regulated interest rate for determining the interest rate in bank. However, the Japanese government conducted financial deregulation due to a growth of information technology and deregulation of international flow of capital. As a result, many Japanese banks faced severe competitions and started to treat high risked real-estate lending to make profits. Fortunately, the prices of land were increased year by year and it would be a bubble situation. In addition, many Japanese people bought many lands to make profits using incredible rise of lands’ price and it accelerated bubble economy, but the bubble economy collapsed suddenly. In 1989, Nikkei Stock Average reached peak and dropped rapidly. Similarly, the price of land fell terribly and loan on real estate became insolvent; therefore, many Japanese banks had the non-profit loans problems and got a bad financial condition. What is worse, some banks became bankrupt and a rate of unemployment was increased. According to a department of economic in Kansai Gakuin University, the rate of unemployment reached high point 5.9% after collapsing bubble economy. From the evidence, it is apparent that failure of government’s intervention affected Japan’s economy seriously.à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬The second reason is zero-interest-rate policy. The Japanese government adopted zero-interest-rate policy to enhance capital investment and reduce companies going bankrupt. Actually, Japanese companies invested much money to build plants. On the other hand, they could not make profits even though they invested much money. Consequently, they could not pay loan back to the banks, and worker hired with enhancing their capital became an excessive. Those factors caused a negative spiral. Moreover, as John Maynard Keynes stated that when zero- interest policy is adopted, the effects will be meaningless because of â€Å"Liquidity trap†that is a situation in which the rate of interest is so low that no one wants to hold interest-bearing assets and people only want to hold cash( Dictionary of Economics). As a result, zero-interest-rate policyà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬did n ot work properly and Japanese economy would be a worse situation. The third reason is increase of consumption tax. In 1997, Ryutaro Hashimoto, Japan’s former prime minister, increased consumption tax from 3% to 5% to reduce government spending. However, it made Japanese people use less money and it worsened the depression. From the rate of 1995, Japan’s economy became to recover gradually because financial policy and disposal of bad loans were successfully committed, and Japan’s economic growth rate exceeded 3%. However, the Japanese government increased consumption on the occasion of recovery, and it discouraged the recovery of Japan’s economy and made the depression continued longer. à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬ In conclusion, government intervention can improves the operation of market but it is not always applicable. To prove this opinion, we investigated about positive and negative examples. From the case of student loan policy in U.S and Medical insurance system in Korea, we investigated about the reason why government intervenes for equitable distribution of wealth and how the both government use the policy for the people. We also looked into G.M in U.S as an example and we figure out how government intervenes to the market when the market fails and the positive effects from the government intervention. We also focus on the Japanese â€Å"lost decade†as a failed government intervention and the result of wrong interest rate policy. Base on the examples that we used, we can see that government intervention can improve the operation of market but it is not always applicable. Some policies can improve the market and give lots of benefits to people, but the other policies can aggrava te the operation of market and make people unfortunately. So it depends on the kind of policy that government intervenes and how to control it. In addition, it is one of the most important reasons why people learn the economics and theories.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Intellectual Property Piracy
Intellectual Intellectual property is under attack by pirates. These pirates are not wearing an eye patch or sporting a peg leg, they are anybody and everybody who are selling or copying software for personal or business use. When it comes to software and online piracy, in certain countries, it is like the Wild West, there are laws that are very cut and dry but it seems like nobody follows them. On the other hand there are certain countries where it almost seems like anything goes with a lack of government regulation.The United States has very strict laws about copyright infringement. If a person is found guilty of copyright infringement in the US, it is considered a felony charge which carries a heavy fine as well as possible jail time. In December 2011, the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) released a list of â€Å"notorious markets,†or markets that â€Å"typify the problem of marketplaces that deal in goods and services that infringe on IPR and help to sustain global piracy and counterfeiting,†according to a USTR press release(China Urges US, 2012).Along with strict enforcement of anti-piracy laws, countries of North America, Western Europe and Australia tend to follow the Rule of Law in which society validates laws and codes. There are many associations emerging to fight technology piracy to ensure intellectual property rights. Such organization such as WTO (World Trade Organization), WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), and the WCT (World Copyright Treaty) have been created to police the piracy of intellectual property. With these organizations, intellectual piracy had seen a decline for a short amount of time.In a study in 2009, it was found that of all software found in developed countries, 80% of the software was legitimately purchased. On the other hand, it was also found that in emerging countries, about 60% of software was found to be pirated. Those emerging countries account for 45% of the global hardware marke t while they only account for less they 20% of legitimate software. Emerging countries are actually putting out more computers then legal software to put on the computers. In 2009 alone, the US lost 50 billion dollars to software piracy. It is a daunting task to police these intellectual thieves.When looking at the piracy of intellectual property globally, it seems to be a complicated task at hand to police. There are many countries that are trying to get a grasp on the problem at hand. Statistically the United States are leading the way with only 21% of its software was pirated in a 2008 report. In January 2012, the US passed the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the U. S. House and the Senate's Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA ) which would strengthen penalties for pirating movies, music, merchandise and books, have pitted corporate interests against each other and against free-speech advocates(Mitchell, 2012).Though one out of five computers in the US had illegal software, which is better than the 95% of software pirated in the country of Georgia. Organizations such as the WTO are helping on the forefront of against piracy by creating treaties amongst countries to in order to reduce the level of theft of IPR’s. The countries that seem to be adhering to this these treaties tend to have a higher level of individualism as well as a stronger grasp of the rule of law in compared to their counterparts. Other ways of controlling the piracy plague have been put into place.Technological security system like adding passwords and login, putting protection on the purchased software that would make it incapable of copying or burning are progressing to slow down the taking of intellectual property. Will this stop the problem completely? Most likely not, but it provides a promising future for IPR’s. In undeveloped countries across the world, piracy is running rampant with out much government enforcement. In China, it is legal to have 499 pirated DVDs i n a person’s possession. If caught with more, it’s only a fine that would be about the same as a parking ticket.With countries such as China India or Russia that have a low sense of individualism, IPR is not a pressing matter. Those are some of the greatest populated countries of the world and the problem spreads even further then them. Without stricter enforcement in such countries, there is no end to how far piracy of software will go. In Western Europe, there is the alarming fact that more computer hardware is being produced then software is being sold. These emerging countries are taking hold of counterfeiting and sophisticating the way of doing business illegally.With the internet and person to person sharing, it is getting easier and more efficient to sell and trade pirated software. Piracy is inevitable. When the people of the world have no ethical problem with breaking IPR’s, there will be no end to the problem. The majority of the people that are pirati ng do not believe they are even breaking any laws. As much as we try to control, regulate and enforce piracy, there will always be someone looking for a new way of finding an end to a means. Piracy has been compared to that of illegal drug trafficking, it is an endless war that seems to have no end in site.If your take the cultures in where the heaviest of piracy of software is taking place, it is those that are a collective society, with little regard for those IPRs of individuals. The only way that piracy will end is if the world changes and conforms to having principles that respect these creative individuals and their governments take initiative and lead the way in solving this problem. This unfortunately, may never happen, and piracy will continue to be a problem that plagues the business world.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Women’s roles in the US
The varieties about women's roles were constructed In ways that have been altered or erased for social and political purposes. The roles of black women were undermined during slavery and Hawaiian women's roles were taken away after colonialism. Women's roles should be recognized because it makes a significant contribution to decentralization and resistance. The erasure of women's roles have been constructed In favor of white supremacists and colonists, thus, keeping knowledge about women's roles away from the public view.This week's readings reflect the counter-forces that fight against this trend. The two examples discussed In this paper will help demonstrate how the recognition of women's roles make significant contributions to decentralization and resistance. Black women's role during slavery was undermined In the Monomania Report. Angela Davis critiques the history of slavery aspect of the Monomania report because it fails to recognize the significance of black women's role in sl avery claiming that matriarchy comes from the legacy of slavery.Davis challenges this Idea by arguing that matriarchy did not come from slavery since matriarchy Implies power, which enslaved black women did not have. Davis indicates that although black women did not have power of the law/state, they created their own modes of power. She also indicates the reason why black women played a significant role during slavery is because they made resistance possible for others in the African American enslaved communities. Since women had the double burden of working in the fields and doing domestic work, they became the maintainers of the slave headquarters.This allowed women to recognize how much the master depended on them, giving women the consciousness of resistance. This is an example of how knowledge Is distorted In he Monomania report since It falls to address the truth about women's roles In slavery and falsely concludes that black families are unstable because they are matrilineal. Recognizing black women's roles during slavery is imperative to eradicate the myth that black families are unstable because they are matrilineal and how they made resistance possible for others.Another example of the recognition of women's roles is the inclusion of indigenous feminism. Lisa Keelhauled Hall indicates the importance of recognizing the erasure of indigently, specifically Hawaiian women in the united States as a result of colonialism. She critiques the conceptual erasure of U. S. Imperialism In the Pacific. The erasure of Hawaii in contemporary understandings of the united States, and the racial erasure of indigenous peoples.She argues indigenous feminism should counter these erasures â€Å"because colonization relies on forced forgetting and erasure, the need to bring the past forward Into our consciousness†Is Important for decentralization (Hall, 279). Although Hawaiian women's roles were unrecognized, Hall contends that Hawaiian women held significant power until the colonists stripped political power and voting rights from them. Additionally, Hawaiian women were aced with the imposition of Christianity, monogamy, and heterosexual marriage.Indigenous feminism Is Important to the process of decentralization for Hawaiian women and other indigenous women because it â€Å"grapples with the ways patriarchal 1 OFF analyzing the sexual and gendered nature of the process of colonization†(Hall, 278). Although women's roles were constructed in ways that were altered or erased, which favored white supremacists and colonists, Hall and Davis produced scholarly works that enabled people to recognize that women's roles made a significant contribution to the process of decentralization and resistance.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Oppression Of Women
Women’s Studies 2:30-3:45 MW The social construction of gender and feminist theories of oppression correlate simply because the social construction of gender is the basis for many feminist theories. Oppression is a socio-political system designed to purposely confine, shape, manipulate or reduce a particular class or caste of people solely on arbitrary grounds and for the advantage, of another class. Marlyn Frye states â€Å"a woman in an oppressive society is somehow like a bird in a cage.†Women are oppressed in many ways from issues of sexuality to harassment in the workplace. In one simple example neither sexually active nor nonsexual active women are in the right. A sexually active woman will be thought of as a whore, slut, or nasty. A nonsexual active woman will be thought of as green, unable to sustain a man, or lesbian. Either way the woman cannot win, it is one of the many double standards that women must face everyday. Firestone’s feminist theory argues that â€Å"Women are physically weakened by their reproductive biology and that the male dominated society arbitrarily takes advantage of this fact, and even makes that weakness more drastic.†I believe that this is quite true and that it is wrong to give gender roles. Gender roles are determined by specific biological differences in men and women, such as women are expected to do light weight house work because they are less masculine than a man, or men are taught to fight and be manly as described in â€Å"Learning to Fight†. Because of these gender roles in our society men are typically taught to dominate over women from birth to death and because of this women are unfairly oppressed. But where and why did these gender roles start? There are many explanations to those questions but few right answers. One common answer to that question lies in the bible, Genesis 3:16 â€Å"To the woman he said, I will greatly increase your pains in child bearing; with p... Free Essays on Oppression Of Women Free Essays on Oppression Of Women Women’s Studies 2:30-3:45 MW The social construction of gender and feminist theories of oppression correlate simply because the social construction of gender is the basis for many feminist theories. Oppression is a socio-political system designed to purposely confine, shape, manipulate or reduce a particular class or caste of people solely on arbitrary grounds and for the advantage, of another class. Marlyn Frye states â€Å"a woman in an oppressive society is somehow like a bird in a cage.†Women are oppressed in many ways from issues of sexuality to harassment in the workplace. In one simple example neither sexually active nor nonsexual active women are in the right. A sexually active woman will be thought of as a whore, slut, or nasty. A nonsexual active woman will be thought of as green, unable to sustain a man, or lesbian. Either way the woman cannot win, it is one of the many double standards that women must face everyday. Firestone’s feminist theory argues that â€Å"Women are physically weakened by their reproductive biology and that the male dominated society arbitrarily takes advantage of this fact, and even makes that weakness more drastic.†I believe that this is quite true and that it is wrong to give gender roles. Gender roles are determined by specific biological differences in men and women, such as women are expected to do light weight house work because they are less masculine than a man, or men are taught to fight and be manly as described in â€Å"Learning to Fight†. Because of these gender roles in our society men are typically taught to dominate over women from birth to death and because of this women are unfairly oppressed. But where and why did these gender roles start? There are many explanations to those questions but few right answers. One common answer to that question lies in the bible, Genesis 3:16 â€Å"To the woman he said, I will greatly increase your pains in child bearing; with p...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Yellow Fever essays
Yellow Fever essays Yellow Fever, or Flavivirus Taxon, is a virus that kills 30,000 people yearly. It is carried by mosquitoes, which feed on humans. Currently, it is only found in South America and Africa. It is non-contagious and can only be caught once. Someone could tell if they have Yellow Fever if they have a sudden onset of a fever and a headache, followed by jaundice. After a few days the carrier will have black vomit and bleed from the mouth. In most cases death will occur within four to eight days after they contract the virus. There is no actual treatment of the virus, just things you can do to treat it temporally. The person must drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration. Do not give the infected aspirin because it may cause bleeding; instead use paracetamol. Lastly, the person must stay in bed and rest. Though most cases result in death, some survive. There is a vaccine available for Yellow Fever, which was created by Max Theiler in 1939. It is a live vaccine that lasts for about ten years. The way the vaccine works is the Yellow Fever protein coat is injected into the body, without the DNA in the protein coat. The Helper-T cell identifies the virus as harmful and calls an army of B-cells and Killer-T cells. The B-cells create antibodies, which attach to the antigen. The Killer-T cells then eat the antigen/antibody complex. With the vaccine the body builds immunity to the virus. If it were the actual virus the person could survive, but theyd probably die of heart, liver, or kidney failure. The liver damage causes extra yellow bile in skin pigment, causing the person to turn yellowish; hence the name Yellow Fever. The virus also causes hemorrhaging. People started catching Yellow Fever when building the Panama Canal. In 1881 Carlos Finlay concluded that Yellow Fever was contracted from mosquitoes. Walter Reed later confirmed this in 1901. This problem was solved by sa ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
CIS256 Final Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
CIS256 Final Project - Essay Example First, you need to verify if the problem is caused by the network or corruption of the AD (Rommel, 2008). It is followed performing a recovery for the directory restore thus choosing either authoritative or none. Testing then covers replication and proper functionality of domain controller. There is the development of a lag site for replication in case there is a deletion of objects in large numbers. The aim is to keep a backup of the active directory especially at location 2. You then engage the authoritative restore. Location three will involve creating a print queue to server printers that are standalone. The list generated by the Administrator should direct the users to a print queue on the network that will allow the job to pass through even when the printer is not support by the user’s workstation. Location four will establish a redundancy for the AD to carry forth replication despite the failure of domain controllers. The step is to allow for the most minimal downtime period or none especially when relating to the failure of the software or hardware in use. The administrator also uses the group policy to address alterations to passwords, security and the respective policy as well as settings for configuration when it is critical. Other recovery and continuity plans involve having redundancies for every role in at least one other location to cater for damages caused by natural disasters. Having multiple tapes and performing network diagnostics after a short interval of time guarantees easy detection of a
Friday, November 1, 2019
Volunteer activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Volunteer activity - Essay Example For this reason, continued pollution of an environment aims at altering environment that in turn expose them hazardous conditions. The idea of offering a service to the fewer fortunes struck my mind when I attended the mosque for the prayer service. It was their idea and I thought it could be of extreme importance to the fewer fortunes when implemented. The job was door to door walk with the aim of collecting clothing’s and bedding from the neighbourhood. I was unable to meet the deadline during my first attempt just because I felt ill. Later, I did my inquiry about the location and the name of the local shelter where I could deliver my collections. Fortunately, my inquiry was fruitful. Thereafter, I walked out for the collection from friends and neighbours. I managed to collect several bags of blankets and sleeping bags and approximately three large bags of coats and clothing which I delivered the local shelter. I felt comfortable doing the job and I will not hesitate to do it or activity of a similar kind once
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